Substance abuse and alcoholism is becoming a widespread problem in Tamil Nadu State. The adolescent and young people are very vulnerable and they easily get into the habit and get addicted. Don Bosco’s approach involves both ‘prevention’ and ‘rehabilitation’ interventions. Prevention includes preventing children from becoming associated with drugs and alcohol through awareness promotion and educating them about the physical and psychological harms of drugs and alcohol. Rehabilitation includes counseling, referral and assistance towards advance treatment and skill training. The target groups are school children and youth, particularly at high-risk of association with drugs and alcohol.
To bring back smiles on children
who are unfortunate, forgotton, downtrodden, lack of basic amenities needs your love, concern, and generous support.
Don Bosco Provincial House,
No.65, Illuppur Road, Kallukuzhy,
Trichy - 620 020, Tamil Nadu, India.
+91 8056790666
© - 2023, Don Bosco SHARE to CARE,
a Unit of Coimbatore Don Bosco Anbu Illam Social Service Society, a non-profit organization registered under Tamil Nadu Societies Registration Act 27 of 1975 S. No. 329/1999.
You can avail the income tax exemption under sec.80 (G) of Income Tax Act for every Contribution.
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