Don Bosco has many Industrial Training Institutes (ITI), Media College and Polytechnic colleges, mostly in rural locations with the aim of reaching out rural poor youth. A variety of technical courses are offered in these institutions, such as mechanical engineering, welding, carpentry, electrician, diesel mechanism, electronics, plumbing, solar panel installation and civil engineering, and variety of media and communication skill development courses. Both formal and non-formal streams are offered. Nearly 2000 youth benefit from such technical education..
To bring back smiles on children
who are unfortunate, forgotton, downtrodden, lack of basic amenities needs your love, concern, and generous support.
Don Bosco Provincial House,
No.65, Illuppur Road, Kallukuzhy,
Trichy - 620 020, Tamil Nadu, India.
+91 8056790666
© - 2023, Don Bosco SHARE to CARE,
a Unit of Coimbatore Don Bosco Anbu Illam Social Service Society, a non-profit organization registered under Tamil Nadu Societies Registration Act 27 of 1975 S. No. 329/1999.
You can avail the income tax exemption under sec.80 (G) of Income Tax Act for every Contribution.
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